Unshaven Hair Transplant


Unshaven Hair Transplant

Revive Your Hair, Restore Confidence!

Can Everyone Have Unshaven Hair Transplant?

Unshaven hair transplantation is not for everyone. If patients have severe hair loss, they might not be able to undergo a non-shaven hair transplant operation. Those patients with severe hair loss will definitely need more graft numbers than a mild hair loss patient.
Therefore, if the patient is experiencing intense hair loss, an unshaven hair transplant might not be ideal for those. It would be ideal to examine the patients hair before deciding whether if non-shaven hair transplant would be a good option or not.
An ideal candidate should be the ones with mild hair loss. Because unshaven hair transplantation can only benefit the patients who would need only a small number of grafts.
An unshaven hair transplant procedure is the best to be applied for the surgery if a patient is suffering from hair-line receding or temple thinning.

Operation plan of a non-shaven Hair Transplant

Unshaven FUE hair transplant, which could be the preference of both men and women actually is quite similar to the traditional FUE techniques. The only difference is there will not be cutting or shaving the hair. With this technique it would be possible to cover the donor or the recipient area and there will not be any signs of a hair transplant for other people to understand that these patients have undergone a hair transplant operation.
Operation starts with checking the donor area and do the planning as always. After giving decisions about the operation plan, local anesthesia will be applied to the donor area in order to start the excraction of hair follicles. Since hair will not be shaved, just a limited number of hair follicles can be extracted. The incisions process will be beginning after the extraction process is completed successfully. Last stage would be the inserion of the hair follicles one by one, hair follicles.
Unshaven hair transplant is proven to be an entirely successful technique in the hands of an experienced surgeon and the team. Although the unshaven FUE hair transplant technique is similar to traditional FUE, unshaven hair transplantation requires much more work for the surgeon and the team as it is more challenging to extract and to implant hair follicles.
Success of an unshaven operation depends on completely surgical experience and skills. Wizz Hair Clinic, we follow the latest innovations and new instruments to give our patients the best hair transplant results they can have. We are one of the most sophisticated clinics who can perform an unshaven FUE hair transplant in Turkey.
Wizz Hair helps you to gain your lost hair again while providing luxurious service. Therefore, Wizz Hair clinic has been hosting lots of patients all around the world.
One of the most popular techniques used in hair transplantation, unshaven hair transplant has become another success story for Wizz Hair Clinic.

Types of Unshaven Hair Transplantation

1-Shaven Donor Area, Unshaven Recipient Area
This can be an option for the patients who might need more graft numbers then a classical unshaven hair transplant technique.
2- Partially Shaven Donor Area
This is only a patially shaved donor site in which small windows are created with a shave. This would give existing long hair to cover the donor area. Yet, the number of hair follicles (grafts) that can be extracted is limited.
3- Fully Unshaven
Fully unshaven gives all the benefits for the patients to preserve their existing hair however the number of hair follicles (grafts) which can be excracted would be limited again. One of the biggest challenge of this is for the patients who will need to take extra precautions with their post-operative cares.

Advantages of Unshaven Hair Transplant

• Patients do not need to shave their hair, which can be advantagious for most of the patients. An unshaven hair transplant can be cosy for some patients whom are not comfortable with short hair after the procedure
• Some techniques of an Unshaven FUE hair transplant can provide natural-looking hair just like a regular FUE hair transplant.
• The patients will not get any visible excraction scars after an unshaven hair transplant
• The healing phase usually gets completed in a shorter period of time after having an unshaven hair transplant. So, patients do not need to take a long leave from their works. Unshaven hair transplants do not interrupt your social life

Disadvantages of Unshaven Hair Transplant

• The success of non-shaven hair transplant will depend on the surgeon who will do the operation. So, the patients should be sure with their clinic and with the surgeon.
• Unshaven hair transplant technique surely will take much longer time than a regular FUE hair transplant technique. The duration of this kind of procedure will depend on the number of grafts which will be implanted. The patients whom might want this technique should surely be patient during the operation.
• Unshaven hair transplant would not be suitable with the people who have severe hair loss since the operation might require more grafts numbers for implantation.
• Bacterial growth might occur from this unshaven hair transplant technique, and the roots might get damaged due to bacterial growth affecting the grafts survival rate.

Wizz Hair Clinic

İstanbul / Turkey



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+90 505 709 34 57

Unshaven Hair Transplant: The Secret Between Patient and Doctor

The unshaven hair transplant has become very popular and a source of happiness for lots of men and women. There was a common belief that shaving hair is a must in order to do a hair transplant. For the majority of people, shaving their hair can be a challenge.

It is understandable when patients do not want to cut their hair short for any reason; or if they want to keep their hair transplant as a secret. With the help of the unshaven hair transplant technique, it is possible to perform a hair transplantation without cutting the existing hair.

Wizz Hair Clinic provides safe and successful unshaven hair transplant for those who do not wish to get exposed about their hair transplantation operation or who are obsessed with their long hair.

If you are planning to have a non-shaven hair transplantation experience, the most important thing to consider is that whether the surgery will be carried out professionally and effectively or not. You should remember that every successful unshaven hair transplant operation depends on the experience of your doctor.
Since the hair transplant operations are a work of art demanding absolute care and skill, an unshaven hair transplant which is a more challenging procedure, requires far more attention and expertise

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