Mustache Transplantation

Revive Your Hair, Restore Confidence!

Moustache Transplantation Procedure

Moustache transplantation became both a symbol of an older-school, tough-guy virility.

Having thin moustache is not charming. Just like experiencing hair loss, short supply of moustache has a significant impact on men’s psychology. As a symbol of aesthetics, moustache transplantation can help people to have an appealing look.
At Wizz Hair Clinic, every day, we encounter so many patients experiencing hair loss in various areas; Successful operations with natural results can only be achieved with proffesional approach. Our patients claim how miserable the situation was before; they tend to reveal the truth about themselves ; how they were feeling while trying to live with the appearance which they never wanted.
To avoid undesirable appearances, Wizz hair clinic starts with the full analysis of the patients upper lip area which would be the recipient area, and surely the donor area. The donor area is usually the neck, the occipital area, where thicker hair follicles can be excracted.
Depending on the type of existing hairs and the centimeter square of the moustache area, approximately 300 to 500 hair follicles would be required for most of the patients.
A moustache transplant usually can take up to 3-4 hours.

Before and After Moustache Hair Transplant

It would be very important to follow most of the instructions which will be provided by our clinic in order to achieve successful moustache transplantation results.
• Smoking and consumption of alcohol before and after the surgery would not be good for the patients.
The chemical constituents of cigarettes include ; nicotine, tar, carbonmonoxide, ammonia which these can constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the recipient areas. Cigarette consumption would harm peri and post operative period by affecting the healing phase and time.
It would be more difficult for the body to recover after the implantation if the patients smoke; anything which contains nicotine and carbon monoxide which would prevent oxygenation of the blood.
Alcohol might damage the effects of the local anesthetic medications which will be used during the surgery. Another effect of alcohol comsumption would be to cause an increase in bleeding time therefore causing bruising. Consumption of alcohol must be avoided at least one week before hair transplant surgery.
• If patients are suffering from chronical illneses and are using medications regularly then it would be beneficial to confirm these with the doctor. It would also be important to talk with the doctor whether if there are any drug allergies or not. These are the essentials that might affect your surgery.
• Before the operation, wearing clothes with zippers or buttons is recommended; taking them off and putting them back on would be easy to protect your transplanted area. It is okay to have a light breakfast on the operation day.
• A moustache transplant is a relatively new form of hair restoration surgery that can help men achieve the look of a fuller, thicker moustache. Many men seek out this procedure to correct hair loss caused by genetics, aging, or other factors, while others simply want to give their facial hair a more youthful, attractive appearance. Before a moustache transplant, patients must undergo a consultation with a qualified hair restoration specialist. During this appointment, the specialist will assess the individual’s current facial hair and identify the areas of hair loss. The doctor will then determine the best method of transplantation for the patient, which may involve the use of individual follicular units, a strip of hair follicles, or a combination of both. Once the procedure is finished, the patient will immediately notice some swelling and redness around their moustache. This will typically subside in a few days, however, the newly transplanted moustache will take several months to fully grow in. During the first few weeks, the patient will need to follow the aftercare instructions provided by their doctor in order to ensure a successful result. After the moustache transplant, the patient will see a fuller, thicker moustache. The transplanted moustache will look and feel natural, and it can be trimmed and groomed as desired. Moustache transplants typically last several years, and they can be combined with other hair restoration treatments if desired. Overall, a moustache transplant can be a great way to restore a receding or thinning moustache and achieve a more youthful, attractive appearance. Patients should be aware that the recovery process can take several months, and that the success of the procedure depends largely on the skill of the surgeon. If you’re considering a moustache transplant, be sure to speak with a qualified hair restoration specialist to learn more about the procedure and its potential results.

Difficulties of Moustache Transplant

Moustache hair transplant is much more sensitive operation than other hair transplantation procedures. However, the healing phase of moustache hair transplant is more rapid; usually results can be seen between 8-10 months without any complication.
After a mustache hair transplant, patients can encounter bleeding in the transplanted area; this can leave red spots on the mustache area. Luckily, these red dots will vanish after a few days.
Swelling on the upper lip is another drawback of the procedure for the patients. The patient might have difficulties eating meals due to the swelling. However, this is not an extraordinary situation, we expect to see this but of course not for a long time ; patients can get over this situation sooner with the correct medications.

After the operation crusting of the implanted hair follicles will be seen and this might cause itchiness. When feeling itchy , it would be better not to rub or scratch the transplanted area. In a week time, crusting and itching will fade away. Skin and hair follicles will be regenerated/
To protect the implanted moustache area, it is recommended to watch out physical movements and avoid sudden actions. Remember that your mustache hair follicles can get damaged, which leads the patient to an unsuccessful result of mustache hair transplantation.

Wizz Hair Clinic

İstanbul / Turkey


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+90 505 709 34 57

Mustache Transplantation
Moustache : A moustache is a strip of facial hair grown above the upper lip. Moustaches have been worn in various styles throughout history.

Like many other fashion trends, the moustache is subject to shifting popularity through time. Through modern culture often associates moustaches with men of the Victorian era which the moustache was considered the mark of an artist or revolutionary, both of which remained on the social fringe at the time
According to study results there is also a strong correlation between a good marriage market for women and an increased number of moustaches worn by the male population.

This correlation may be due to the fact that men with moustaches are perceived to be more attractive, industrious, creative, masculine, dominant and mature by both men and women. These perceived traits would influence a woman’s choice of husband as they would suggest likely high reproductive success and other good biological qualities, and a capacity to invest in children, so when males must compete heavily for marriage they are more likely to grow a moustache in an attempt to project these qualities.

Other studies show that persons who have facial hair and are in management positions were shown to positively perceive, and therefore be more likely to get hired. Although men with beards over all score better than men with only moustaches, the moustached men score much higher than those men who were clean-shaven.

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