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What is FUE with DHI Hair Transplant?

FUE with DHI Hair Transplant is one of the most researched, wanted and popular hair transplantation techniques by hair loss patients who might want to consider a hair transplant operation.
The hair follicles (grafts) are taken from the donor area with a micromotor and micro punches which is like the classical beginning of FUE method which these hair follicles (grafts) can then be directly transplanted (implanted) to the balding (recipient) area using CHOI or KNU implanter pens without creating classical micro-incision or without opening channels for implantation.

What are the features of the pens (implanter pens) used in DHI?

The pens used in DHI hair transplantation are hollow and have a spring mechanism. This spring-loaded mechanism pushes the tip when pressed after it is stretched, and it pierces the skin and leaves the graft inside.
There are specially designed advanced DHI instruments like INRUT which gives the ability to implant multiple grafts at the same time which gives the advantage to finish the operation earlier then anticipated.

DHI hair transplantation is one of the most preferred methods in hair transplantation today. The hair transplantation process can be divided into two main phases with this technique: Extraction (Harvesting) and Implantation.
In this technique, Special equipment/pens with special fine tips are used to transfer the graft directly to the skin, the grafts are put into pens one by one and then pressed to recipient site to implant.
This operation, which is also performed under the local anaesthesia, requires more educated and qualified people to work in the team than other hair transplantation techniques. Otherwise, the procedure can last longer, so the number of grafts which will be implanted would be limited in those clinics who do not have a large team specialized doing DHI.
In DHI method hair can be transplanted without incisions, offers a distinct advantage for those who worry about the appearance after the hair transplantation due to their job, social status and different reasons.
There is no scientific study comparing FUE with DHI and Sapphire techniques to rank one above the other. Each method has its advantages. This is not a suitable method for every patient.
The person’s eligibility for FUE with DHI technique is determined under the doctor’s control after a detailed medical history and examination. Proper patient selection for this technique is critical.

Patients, who will need high graft numbers, may cause the operation to last very long. Therefore, it may cause the quality of grafts left open for a long time to lose their quality entirely or partially.

How Is DHI Hair Transplantation Done?

DHI hair transplantation is carried out in Wizz Hair Clinic by transferring the grafts taken through the follicular unit extraction = FUE technique to the area desired using a special either Choi or KNU pens (implanter pens).
In DHI hair transplantation, there is not pre-made slits or incisions. After the tip of the pen containing the graft penetrates the skin, the transplantation process is completed by sliding the graft into the skin.

Who is Eligible for DHI Hair Transplant?

DHI hair transplantation can be applied to anyone who wants to have a hair transplant operation. Patients who desire to have a hair transplant without shaving may first consider the DHI technique.
The graft numbers which the recipient area will need should be considered with the patients who wish to undergo FUE with DHI technique, and the decision should be made both with the surgeon and the patient.
The most crucial step when choosing a hair clinic would be to consider whther the clinic will take care of you in the best way possible and always be with you after the operation as well.

What are the Pros and Cons of FUE with DHI ?

In FUE with DHI technique, there is less bleeding than any other transplantat techniques except for Stick and Place technique where pre-made slits (incisions) are created first.
– This technique is mostly preferred by the patients who want to have unshaven hair transplantation and by whom can worry too much about cosmetic appearance post-operatively.
– It can be easier for inexperienced teams to finish the operation.
– If the graft numbers exceed 3000 grafts, some other techniques can give more successful results.
– Although some sources might claim that more intense transplantation can be achieved with FUE with DHI technique, our surgeons can also easily reach ultra high density with FUE with sapphire technique in Wizz Hair Clinic.
-It costs more as there are more unique materials which is used in this technique.

Wizz Hair Clinic

İstanbul / Turkey



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Wizz Hair Clinic promises realistic results to its patients. Patients are not mistaken about the number of grafts and the results which can be obtained. Before the operation, hair transplant operation plan is made by the surgeon who will perform. Although this is an aesthetic operation and patient expectations are really important as well, it would be wiser to consider your doctor’s recommendations.
One of the most critical points before the operation is the evaluation of the donor area as well as the recipient site, face, facial mimic muscles and the forehead of the patient. Examining the hair follicles is a must to estimate the possible end result so that the patietns can have realistic expectations. Otherwise, balding patients can feel deceived or disappointed with the final results.
To avoid this conflict, it would be better to seek professional support from the clinics that you believe thatvyou can trust. FUE with DHI hair transplantation technique requires sensitive work therefore, Firstly, it will be a must to determine the eligibility of patients for this procedure.

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