Beard Transplant

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A Beard transplant operation is the transplantation of grafts which is taken both from the scalp donor area as well as the lower part of the chin area where the beard is denser.
Reconstructive beard transplant operations can also be done to patients who suffered from burns, trauma, deep cuts or patients who have had a history of congenital abnormalities operations like Cleft lip or Cleft Palate with the help of micro FUE method. The operation is performed under local anesthesia which lasts for about 8 hours and the procedure is painless after local anesthesia.
Success rates of beard transplantation operations are really high yet some people might need a second operation.
Beard mapping and drawing are always done at the planning stage of the beard transplantation operation. Beard shape which would be suitable for the patients face needs to be mapped first as evey person’s face do not have the same proportions then the drawing is made. Lastly desired beard model is slected together with the patient.
Implanted grafts is going to last lifelong.


Patients can have thick and natural-looking beard with a beard transplantation.
Patients can shave and shape their beard after the operation.
Patients are free to choose the type of beard they will have.
It would also be possible to re-shape sideburns with hair/beard transplantation.


A good canditate for a Beard transplantation operation is people who do not have any hormonal disorders or an uncontrolled chronical diseases like diabetes. Beard transplant operations can be applied to men or even to Transgender people who undergone hormone therapies and have never had a beard, suffer from a thin beard, or have lost their beard in specific areas due to injuries or previously undergone facial reconstructive operations. Patients can get the full benefit of covering scars and burns. Beard transplant is recommended for the patients whose age is not under 23.


In beard transplantation, the excraction of hair follicles process is done by micro FUE method. Micro-FUE with Sapphire technique is used for beard transplantation. Pre-made slits are created with a Sapphire blade before the implantation.
Stick&Place technique is another advantageous technique which is used for beard trasnplantation. Excraction of the hair follicles starts with micro FUE later on the grafts are inserted one by one with every incisions created. The biggest advantage of Stick and Place technique is for the patients which will give the benefit of not seeing any bleeding during the operation.
It should be noted that bleeding can cause micro blood clothes under the facial skin which can cause bruising of the recipient site thus affecting the graft survival rate after the operation.
Stick&Place beard transpalntation surely will take longer amount of time to be finished, this can be the only disadvantage of this technique.


In beard transplantation, hair to be transplanted is taken from the scalp donor site which is the back part of the head or from the beard donor area, this site consists of the neck and jawbones where the beard is denser. The donor sites for the grafts to be excracted would be depending on the patient’s overall donor area condition.


Wizz Hair Clinic promises realistic results to the patients. Patients are not misled about the number of grafts or the expected upcoming results of the beard transplantation.
Before the beard transplant operation, planning needs to be done by the operating surgeon. One of the most crucial parts when planning the operation is the evaluation of the neck, head, face areas of the patients and a detailed examination of the hair follicles. It is so important to explain all the possible results to the patients no matter what, and to give the patients realistic expectations. Otherwise, patients can feel deceived and disappointed. To avoid this, it would be better for the patients to get a professional support from the clinics or doctors that they believe they can trust.
In Wizz Hair Clinic, beard transplantation with Stick&Place and Sapphire FUE techniques has been applied to different people from many countries worldwide, and successful results have been achieved. All stages of the operation are performed by and under supervision of our surgeons who have many years of experience in their field, using the latest technological devices. Patients are informed in detail with a realistic approach about their whole beard transplantation operation.


After the beard and moustache transplantations, there will not be visible scarring, and the healing process will start immediately. Temporary symptoms such as redness, swelling, and dryness might occur, but these symptoms usually disappear within a few days. If Stick&Place technique is used, even symptoms of redness and swelling will not occur.
Unlike hair transplantation, since the transplanted area is face and the facial skin is more sensitive, there might be swelling in the first 2-3 days if traditional technique is used. However, these symptoms are minimized if Stick and Place technique is used for the operation and also with the patient’s compliance with the post-operative recommendations like proper usage of medications supplied by the clinic.
Post-operative pain is not common in most of the patients but the sleeping position can be a challenge for most of the patients. As the face is treated in the operation, the patient should lie in the appropriate position recommended by the operating surgeon. This way doctor can be sure that the transplanted grafts will not get harmed. In Wizz Hair Clinic, all the post-operative care informations are shared with the patients after the beard transplant operation.
It may take up to 1 week for the patients to return to work after the operation. Although there is no medical problem returning to work after 2-3 days, we recommend that the patient make a plan to rest for at least one week after the surgery.
This will also prevent patients from getting questioned about their appearance after the operation. During this resting period, the skin will be healed, and beards will grow and form, swelling and redness will decrease.
2-3 weeks after the operation will be enough for the patients to get satisfied with the procedure, which will make them receive positive feedbacks from around, and understand that they made the right decision by recieving this operation.
However, there will be a period of shedding for the transplanted hair follicles in the recipient area where beard transplantation is performed. Patients may lose up to 50-80% of the implanted beard follicles transplanted during this period. Nevertheless on the 3rd or on the 4th months, this transplanted hair will begin to re-grow again.


Hair loss is not expected under normal conditions in beard transplantation or any hair transplantation. However, if the operations are performed in BLACK MARKET CLINICS by amateur, unprofessional people OR if the hair follicles are excracted from outside of the safe donor areas then hair or beard loss may occur in the future. Nevertheless, beard transplantation which is done by professional clinics which doctors and surgeons do the operations then the procedure would give natural looking, perfect results.


Although the graft calculation either for beard or hair transplantation varies from patient to patient, these numbers can change according to face type, current beard condition, patients desires, and beard style. In Wizz Hair Clinic, the recipient area is measured based on cm2 of the surface area which can give a 90% approximation of needed grafts number.
In order to require the desired density, diameter of the hair follicles are measured and taken into count. These kind of calculations can affect the quality of a beard transplantation.

Wizz Hair Clinic

İstanbul / Turkey


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+90 505 709 34 57


A beard is the hair that grows on the jaw, chin, upper lip, lower lip, cheeks, and neck.

Throughout the course of history, societal attitudes toward male beards have varied widely depending on factors such as prevailing cultural-religious traditions and the current era’s fashion trends. Some religions have considered a full beard to be essential and mandate it as part of their observance. Other cultures, even while not officially mandating it, view a beard as central to a man’s virility, exemplifying such virtues as wisdom, strength, sexual prowess and high social status. Charles Darwin first suggested a possible evolutionary explanation of beards in his work The Descent of Man, which hypothesized that the process of sexual selection may have led to beards. Modern biologists have reaffirmed the role of sexual selection in the evolution of beards, concluding that there is evidence that a majority of women find men with beards more attractive than men without beards.

Hollywood actors such as Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Ben Affleck, and Colin Farrel who have had a beard transplantation contributed to the rise of the trend of having a beard transplant operation.

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